Search results

  1. jim_s

    What did you do with your boat today?

    Doc, you got an 8 track on the houseboat? I think I have "Sea Cruise" by the Hondells for your launch ceremony :yum:
  2. jim_s

    Do you enjoy fishing?

    Saw a good bumper sticker yesterday. "The Two Best Times to Fish Are Just Before You Get There And Just After You Leave!"
  3. jim_s

    Big Fish!

    New Mexico woman lands 335-pound Alaska halibut on first-ever fishing trip FAIRBANKS - As a truck driver working for Osborne Construction in Fairbanks, Annette Gutierrez doesn’t get much time off. She works 12-hour days, seven days a week. But when Gutierrez...
  4. jim_s

    Bar Clock

    For those enamored with bar codes. A Bar Code Clock!
  5. jim_s

    Spent the weekend on Solomons Island

    Nice quiet place. No beach so minimal tourists with screaming kids. Here's a view of the Marina:
  6. jim_s

    Covered slip roof collapses during snow storm

    We were so busy with the over 4' of snow at our place I didn't know this happened over on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. I never saw anything in the newspaper about it. The April Issue of Chesapeake Bay Magazine has a short article, quoted below. We subscribe to the magazine and their web...
  7. jim_s

    We went boating yesterday!

    This late in the season you have to take every chance you get! :thumb:
  8. jim_s

    Net Boat Talk at Marietta Sternwheeler Festival

    OK, I found the sign. Bamby covered for you. Doc's House Boat
  9. jim_s

    Net Boat Talk at Marietta Sternwheeler Festival

    What Sign? I don't see any sign! :nopics:
  10. jim_s

    Virginia Sales Tax Holiday Hurricane Equipment May 25 - 31

    There is a lot of everyday stuff on the list Virginia residents purchase next week tax free Bungee cords to Generators May Sales Tax Holiday: Hurricane and Emergency Preparedness Equipment When: Monday, May 25, 2009 through Sunday, May 31, 2009 What's Exempt: During this seven-day period...
  11. jim_s

    Learn to tie knots - Animated

    The animated site doesn't have any splicing info. heres a place that shows how to splice braided and three strand twisted rope. Jim
  12. jim_s

    Learn to tie knots - Animated
  13. jim_s

    Plain Vanilla

    Thats neat to know the history. I was wondering how it became Plain Vanilla. Jim